Swordplay - Fantasy - Craftsmanship
Sword-Moon-Dragon-Blog contains the personal ramblings of one strange creature (Sasha) currently resident in West Yorkshire, forever questing for the next adventure.
The blog features unsolicited and sometimes unruly thoughts on historical fencing, swordsmanship, training culture and delves into the magic of fantasy, costumes, art and games. Whether you're a seasoned fencer, a crafting enthusiast, gamer or an adventurer at heart, he hopes you’ll find something to ignite your passion.
Sascha can be bribed to teach at events or give private lessons and is occasionally being strong-armed into crafting bespoke garments. Please enquire at your own risk and check the relevant project pages.
The FederWyrm Project
As a closeted Martial Artist and certified sports coach, I firmly believe in the benefits of a good physical education. My background lies in Fencing and HEMA and to a lesser degree Escrima, Judo and MMA. I also spent a lot of time stage-fighting with various re-enactment groups and had a stint as an archery instructor.
One of my big pet peeves is that a lot of combat sports are fundamentally inaccessible to people who are less physically able or struggle with integration into established clubs due to a lack of resources to facilitate their various personal requirements.
I have also personally witnessed severe bias and even abuse in various clubs and training circles, something I see not only as morally unacceptable but also a direct threat to the survival of the combat sports and martial arts community.
My approach as a coach and trainer is therefore to recognise the individual’s needs, both physical and mental, and work with them so they can discover their potential. My only goal is for my students to leave a session happier and maybe even somewhat healthier than before, unbiased and irrespective of age, gender assignment, ethnicity or indeed personal ability and talent. I also proudly support the LGBTQA+ community.
I have been and am both a student and a teacher and continue my learning journey. In the past I have worked with:
The Derby KDF Study Group
The Leeds FederWyrm Club (on hiatus)
The Swordpunk Event (https://www.swordpunk.co.uk/)
The Manchester School of Arms (https://manchesterswords.martialartsuk.org/historical_sword_arts)
I am currently affiliated with the ever-benevolent BMABA, an award winning, independent and self funded martial arts organisation that promotes, regulates and develops martial arts within the United Kingdom.